Kenyi Cichlid


Metriaclima lombardoi

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( 2.75" )

Young Adult Female
Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color

6 in stock

Original price was: $15.Current price is: $10.
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( 3" )

Young Adult Males
Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color

5 in stock

Original price was: $30.Current price is: $15.
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Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color
Young Adult Female 2.75"
Original price was: $15.Current price is: $10.
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Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color
Young Adult Males 3"
Original price was: $30.Current price is: $15.
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Kenyi Cichlid (Metriaclima lombardoi)

Dive into the enchanting waters of Lake Malawi and you’re bound to encounter the captivating Kenyi Cichlid. With its intriguing history and vivid colors, this fish is truly a spectacle in both the wild and aquariums.

Historical Lineage:
Tracing its roots, the Kenyi Cichlid, originally described as Pseudotropheus lombardoi, has undergone multiple taxonomic classifications. Its name is a tribute to John Lombardo, co-owner of African Fish Imports, who played a crucial role in introducing the species to fish enthusiasts.

Appearance & Distinctiveness:
The Kenyi Cichlid boasts a unique sexual coloration reversal – the females and juveniles flaunt a light blue hue adorned with distinct vertical bars, while the adult males shimmer in an all-yellow hue. This reversal of blue coloration makes them a rarity among the mbuna. Interestingly, their feeding habits align with their unique colorations; they are often seen feeding at perpendicular angles to their rocky habitats, combing the algae with precision.

Distribution & Habitat:
Native to Lake Malawi, this species thrives around Mbenji islands and Nkhomo Reef. They prefer sediment-rich rocky habitats, usually found between 2 to 25 meters deep. While they are commonly spotted around the rocky areas, they are most populous at the sand-rock interface of neighboring intermediate areas.

Conservation Status:
Ranked as “Least Concern” by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (2018), the Kenyi Cichlid’s localized presence might give an impression of vulnerability. Yet, they are fairly common in their natural habitats.

Dietary Habits:
These cichlids mainly feed on diatoms and cyanobacteria strands, raked meticulously from the algal matrix. Their habitats, layered with sediment, also allow them to consume plankton from the water column.

The mate selection process of the Kenyi Cichlid is intriguing. Females show a preference for all-yellow males, with the visual appeal playing a significant role. The breeding process is centered around caves or burrows, with spawns usually ranging between 15 and 40 eggs. Interestingly, the juveniles emerge with the light blue hue of their mothers.

Aquarium Life:
If you’re looking to introduce the Kenyi Cichlid into your aquarium, ensure you provide ample space and hiding places. Their vibrant colors and unique behavior patterns make them a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts. However, due to their territorial nature, it’s recommended to house only one adult male in an aquarium to avoid aggressive interactions.

Final Thoughts:
The Kenyi Cichlid’s tale is one of evolution, uniqueness, and survival. Their vivid colors, distinct feeding habits, and reversed sexual coloration make them a marvel of the underwater world, ready to mesmerize anyone lucky enough to witness their beauty. Whether in the wild waters of Lake Malawi or the serene ambiance of an aquarium, they are a testament to nature’s wonders.

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