
Metriaclima sp. “elongatus chailosi”

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Metriaclima Melissa – The Chailosi Cichlid

The Metriaclima melissa, often referred to as the Chailosi Cichlid, is a stunning aquatic species renowned for its captivating appearance. These cichlids, native to the rocky shores of Lake Malawi in Africa, are a visual masterpiece in any aquarium setting. Let’s dive into the mesmerizing features that define the beauty of the Metriaclima melissa:

Striking Appearance: Metriaclima melissa boasts a mesmerizing blend of colors and patterns that make it a true standout in the world of freshwater fish. Adult males are particularly breathtaking, with their vibrant yellow and blue hues adorning both their flanks and head. This vivid coloration is reminiscent of the striking beauty of bees, which is why the species earned its appositional name, “melissa,” meaning bee in Greek. As an additional visual treat, these cichlids exhibit variable bar patterns on their flanks, making each individual unique.

Morphology: Metriaclima melissa is a small-sized cichlid known for its unique coloration and vibrant appearance.

Habitat: These cichlids thrive in the intermediate zones of Lake Malawi, where rocky substrates and sandy beaches coexist. They can be found at depths ranging from 16 to 131 feet.

Feeding: Metriaclima melissa primarily feeds on algae, foraging for diatoms and small strands of cyanobacteria. They feed by combing loose material from the algal matrix and prefer substrate-free biocover beneath or on the vertical sides of large rocks.

Mating: This species practices polygynandrous mating, where multiple males and females are involved in breeding.

Breeding: M. melissa is a mouth-brooder, both maternal and promptocavus. After an incubation period of approximately three to three and a half weeks, mouth-brooding females release their offspring. The juveniles have a beige coloration similar to that of females.

Aquarium Care: Metriaclima melissa is well-suited for intermediate-level aquarists. To provide a comfortable habitat, ensure your tank has a minimum length of about 39 inches and ample hiding places in the form of rocks or shelters. A fine-grained substrate, preferably sand, allows males to construct burrows. Maintain stable water conditions with a pH between 7.0 and 8.5 and a temperature ranging from 73.4°F to 82.4°F.

Tank Compatibility: Adult males of M. melissa can be territorial, especially when ready to spawn. It’s advisable to keep only one adult male in a tank unless the tank exceeds 78.7 inches in length. To prevent aggression, avoid placing similar-looking species together, and refrain from mixing the three known variants of M. melissa, as they may crossbreed.

Conservation Status: Metriaclima melissa is not evaluated by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). While two of the three known variants, “Chailosi” and “Chewere,” are popular in the aquarium trade, local populations have not shown negative effects from ornamental fish collection.

Size: Males of M. melissa can reach a maximum total length of about 4.3 inches in the wild. In the aquarium, males can grow up to about 5.9 inches.

Sex Dimorphism: Easily distinguishable, males of M. melissa feature bright yellow and/or blue coloring on their flanks and head, while females have a light-brown ground color.

Type Locality: Chitande Island, Lake Malawi, Malawi, Africa.

Distribution: Metriaclima melissa is endemic to Lake Malawi, specifically along the northwestern shore, spanning approximately 7.5 miles from Chewere to Chirwa Island. The type locality, Chitande Island, is separated from the rocky shore at Chewere by sandy beaches.

Habitat: These cichlids are typically found in an intermediate habitat characterized by a mix of rocks and sand at varying depths, between 16 and 131 feet. Non-breeding individuals tend to stay in shallower regions, while territorial males are commonly found deeper, where sandy substrates dominate.

Metriaclima melissa is a true gem among the cichlid species of Lake Malawi. Their striking appearance, intriguing behaviors, and relatively manageable care requirements make them a popular choice for aquarists looking to create a vibrant and dynamic aquarium environment.

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