Julidochromis Regani Nsumbu


The Nsumbu Regani Cichlid is a striking, rock-dwelling fish from Lake Tanganyika, known for its bold horizontal stripes and territorial nature. With its vibrant coloration and interesting behavior, this species is perfect for aquarists seeking an active and visually captivating fish.

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( 1.75" )

Premium Unsexed
Stage 3 - Color Morph

40 in stock

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Stage 3 - Color Morph
Premium Unsexed 1.75"
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The Nsumbu Regani Cichlid (Julidochromis regani) is a stunning and fascinating species native to the rocky shores of Lake Tanganyika in Africa. This cichlid is highly sought after for its distinct appearance and intriguing behaviors, making it an excellent choice for experienced aquarists looking to maintain a biotope aquarium. The Nsumbu Regani features a yellowish body with dark black horizontal stripes running from head to tail. Its striking coloration is complemented by its sleek body shape, making it one of the most attractive Tanganyikan cichlids.

In its natural habitat, the Nsumbu Regani thrives in rocky crevices and caves, where it establishes and defends a small territory. To replicate this habitat, your aquarium should be heavily scaped with rocks, caves, and hiding places, providing both shelter and breeding areas. The substrate should be fine sand or smooth gravel, which is ideal for their natural digging behaviors. To ensure their comfort, the tank should have a minimum size of 40 gallons, although larger tanks are recommended if keeping multiple pairs or a community setup.

This cichlid is best kept with other peaceful Tanganyikan species, such as Neolamprologus and Altolamprologus species, and should be housed with other fish of similar size and temperament. It is semi-aggressive, particularly during breeding, and can become territorial, so it’s important to provide sufficient space for each pair to establish their own territory.

The Nsumbu Regani prefers a stable environment with a water temperature range between 75-80°F, a pH between 7.8 and 9.0, and water hardness of 10-20 dGH. As a rock-dwelling species, it is essential to maintain high water quality with strong filtration and regular water changes.

In the wild, the Nsumbu Regani feeds on small invertebrates, crustaceans, and biofilm. In the aquarium, they accept a varied diet of high-quality cichlid pellets, spirulina flakes, and frozen or live foods such as brine shrimp and mysis shrimp. Offering a balanced diet ensures their health and helps maintain the vibrant yellow hues for which they are known.

Breeding the Nsumbu Regani is straightforward, as pairs form strong bonds and establish a breeding territory within their rocky caves. The female will lay eggs in a secure spot, and the male fertilizes them. Both parents take an active role in guarding the eggs and raising the fry, which stay close to their parents for several weeks. When raising fry, offer crushed flakes or baby brine shrimp to ensure proper development.

With their captivating colors, engaging behaviors, and unique territorial nature, the Nsumbu Regani Cichlid is an exceptional addition to any Tanganyikan-themed aquarium. This species thrives in a well-maintained tank with ample rock formations and stable water conditions, making it a rewarding challenge for hobbyists looking to recreate the natural beauty of Lake Tanganyika.

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