Author - Dustin Williams

6 Blue Cichlids That Are Sure To Fix That Blue Feeling

If you want a truly fascinating and colorful addition to your freshwater aquarium, consider Blue Cichlids. They are so peaceful and delightful to watch- plus, you have many different species to choose from. Blue Cichlids originate from the warm, freshwater lakes of East Africa, and in captivity, some may live...

Pseudotropheus sp. Williamsi Makonde Blue Lips Cichlid

Add a Splash of Yellow with these Popular African Cichlids

If you want to add some color to your home aquarium, you can’t go wrong with African Cichlids. Though the species are as varied as they are numerous, there are many types of Cichlids that will bring a pop of bold, bright yellow to the tank- add a splash of...


Top 10 Peacock Cichlid Tank Mates

As they are native to warm African lakes, Peacock Cichlids prefer a warm tank with lots of vegetation and rocks along the bottom. When it comes to setting up a community tank, you need to be intentional about how you pair your Peacock Cichlids, to prevent aggression and territorialism among the...

OB Peacock (Red Flush)

10 Most Popular Peacock Cichlids – Number 5 Will Surprise You

Peacock Cichlids are a distinct group of 22 species of fish that belong to the Aulonocara genus. Typically, Peacock cichlids come from Lake Malawi, Africa, although there are line-bred and hybrids varieties widely found. Ideally, the habitat should mimic the warm waters of Africa with temperatures in the 70s to 80s F,...