Demasoni Cichlid Tank Requirements and Care
Demasoni cichlids are one of the most common freshwater fish in the aquarium hobby. These eye-catching fish are relatively easy to care for and make a great addition to an African cichlid tank. At Live FIsh Direct we have several breeding colonies of Demasoni cichlids and over 20 years of experience breeding and raising this popular species of Mbuna.
Demasoni cichlids (Pseudotropheus Demasoni) are a species of cichlid from Lake Malawi in Africa. They are known for their striking blue and yellow coloring and small size. Demasoni cichlids are known to be fairly aggresive and highly territorial fish.
Demasoni cichlids are omnivores and prefer a diet of both meat and vegetable foods. They are best kept in groups of 12 or more, which helps reduce aggression and keeps them more active. These fish are also very active and love to swim, so they need plenty of room to move around in the tank.
How Big Do Demasoni Cichlids Get
A full-grown Demasoni cichlid can reach up to 3 inches in length, making them a great option for smaller tanks. It’s the only dwarf cichlid species that reaches 2 ½ to 3 inches (6.4-7.6 cm). They can also be kept in a big aquarium with Mbuna species, but there have to be plenty of hiding areas.
It’s a fascinating fish to watch as it follows the curves of the rocks, swimming along at abnormal angles to the point of being upside down. Their body pattern features crips alternating dark or light blue stripes. The upper and the lower fins and the tail fin are edged in a light blue.

Are Demasoni Cichlids Aggressive
If you’re wondering whether Demasoni cichlids are aggressive, the answer is a definite yes. These fish can be quite territorial and fiercely defend their space against other fish. In an aquarium, they will target any fish that looks similar. Therefore, exercising caution when introducing new fish to a tank with Demasoni cichlids is important. It’s also a good idea to give them plenty of hiding places and rocks to create their territories.
However, with the proper care and attention, Demasoni cichlids can make for interesting and entertaining aquarium inhabitants. These fish can also be quite social and can often be seen playing and chasing each other around the tank. The common Demasoni cichlid tank mates include the Kenyi Cichlid and the Red Zebra species.
How Many Demasoni Should be Kept Together
Generally, keeping a minimum of 12 Demasoni in a tank is best. It gives males plenty of tank mates to help spread out aggression. Providing ample space to swim and establish their territories also reduces the risk of aggression between individual males. However, if you want to create a larger school of Demasoni, you should aim for around 15 or more. It gives each fish enough space to swim and explore while providing them plenty of company. Therefore, if you’re looking to create a stunning school of colorful cichlids, the Demasoni is a perfect choice. Just make sure you have enough space to keep a large group!
What Size Tank for Demasoni Cichlids
Demasoni cichlid tank size should be fairly large to keep the fish be happy and healthy. A minimum tank size of 55 gallons is recommended for a group of 10 or more. These fish also need a sandy substrate, as they love to dig and forage for food. A good filtration system is essential to keep the water clean and toxins-free. Additionally, regular water changes should be done to remove any waste build-up.
Demasoni cichlids prefer a pH of 7.5 to 8.5 and a water hardness of 10 to 20 dGH. The temperature should be kept between 78-82°F. These fish also need plenty of hiding places and rocks to explore, as they are active and love exploring their environment.

What Do Demasoni Cichlids Eat
Demasoni cichlids are omnivores. However, they prefer plant based foods. Since they rarely hunt in the wild, thanks to their limited nature, they often feed on other small aquatic animals like shrimps and tiny fish. If you are keeping them, refrain from feeding them foods that are high in protein such as beef hearts. It can promote illness and even death. Some of the best food to give them are;
- Zooplankton
- Blanched vegetable
- Brine shrimp
- Blackworms
- Cichlid pellets
- Spirulina algae
- Small crustaceans
- Mites
- Snails
- Insect larvae
- Nymphs
- Dried seaweed
How Often Do Demasoni Cichlids Breed
Demasoni cichlids will mate and spawn approximately every six weeks if well-fed. During this time, they go into hibernation. Therefore, they must be healthy and have plenty of food when they leave the hibernation phase.
The Demasoni cichlid size and weight of both genders of juvenile cichlids are the same, which makes it difficult to know their gender when they are young. However, an egg spot becomes visible as the male cichlid grow, which can help you know the gender of the fish.
Caring for Demasoni Cichlids
Caring for Demasoni cichlids is relatively easy, but it’s not recommended for beginner aquarists. The fish is tiny in size and highly aggressive.
Demasoni cichlids need good filtration and regular water changes. The fish can become stressed out and sick when living in bad water conditions, so a filter and a weekly water change is needed to provide adequate care.
Caring for Demasoni cichlids also includes providing a good diet. These fish could develop various diseases if their dietary needs are not met or when they get too many proteins.
Another essential care requirement is ensuring that your Demasoni cichlids don’t develop the Malawi Bloat. This usually occur when the fish isn’t properly taken care of, or the aquarium is not well maintained. Demasoni cichlids are easy to care for when they are small, and they can usually adopt to various kinds of food offered due to their omnivorous nature.
Demasoni cichlids are great fish for a freshwater aquarium owner. They are relatively easy to care for and make a great addition to an African cichlid tank. With the right tank setup and care, these fish can live for up to 8 years. Therefore, if you are looking for a beautiful and active fish for your tank, buy Demasoni cichlids. We have farm raised, high quality strains of Demasoni cichlids for sale. Order 3 or more to save with our bulk rate discounts!