Crystal Lake is a Geothermal Spring over 10 acres and 60 feet deep. The hot springs at the bottom of the lake keep it 80 degrees year-round. We often swim in it in December in Northern Utah when the temp outside is below freezing!

These are our round tanks. We use these mostly to raise fry from more exotic and hard to find species. Over 250 round tanks hold 200 gallons each. Each tank receives 1200 gallons per day of spring water which is like giving your fish 6 complete water changes per day!

At Livefishdirect we have over 350 square vats. Each vat holds 300 gallons. These are given constant water changes. Each vat receives over 1200 gallons of fresh Geothermal spring water per day. The waters chemistry is perfect for Cichlids

This is our Wholesale warehouse with over 1000 all glass breeder aquariums 30 gallons each. Each tank is fed a constant water stream from an underground geothermal well. The water flow is a little less here at about 2 water changes per day but each tank is isolated from the next so diseases can not spread when importing large quantities of fish.

This is one row of the glass tanks. The tanks are stacked five high from floor to ceiling. going down an isle is like being in a library of live fish.