Bottom Feeders, Mbuna & Victorian Cichlids, New, Peacock & Hap Cichlids, Recommended, Tanganyikan Cichlids
Synodontis multipunctatus Cuckoo Catfish
The Cuckoo Catfish, Synodontis multipunctatus, is a fascinating species from Lake Tanganyika, celebrated for its unique brood parasitism behavior and striking appearance, with a base color of whitish-grey adorned with…
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Bottom Feeders, New, Sm Community (Free Ship on $100+)
Emerald cory catfish
The Emerald Catfish (Corydoras splendens) is a stunning freshwater species known for its shimmering green coloration, peaceful temperament, and exceptional ability to clean aquariums. Find other bottom dwellers in our…
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Bottom Feeders, New, Sm Community (Free Ship on $100+)
Panda Cory Catfish
Panda Cory Catfish for sale: Enjoy free shipping on orders over $100 for any combination of fish from our small community category, including Panda Corys! Known for their distinctive black…
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Bottom Feeders, Invertebrates, Sm Community (Free Ship on $100+)
Ivory Mystery Snail
Pomacea bridgesii
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Bottom Feeders, Community Fish Medium+, Recommended, Sm Community (Free Ship on $100+), Special Price
Kuhli Loach
The Kuhli Loach is a small, eel-like freshwater fish native to Southeast Asia. It grows to about 3-4 inches and has a slender, elongated body with distinctive dark bands over…
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Bottom Feeders, Community Fish Medium+, Recommended
Clown Loach
The Clown Loach (Botia macracantha) is a vibrant and playful bottom feeder known for its striking orange and black stripes. This peaceful fish thrives in groups and is perfect for…
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Bottom Feeders
Trinidad Pleco
The Trinidad Plecostomus (Hypostomus punctatus), or Common Pleco, is a favorite among aquarists for its effective algae grazing and striking appearance. Ideal for larger tanks, this species is a captivating…
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Bottom Feeders
Longfin Bristlenose Pleco
The Longfin Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus sp.) is a beautiful, long-finned algae eater perfect for community aquariums 30 gallons and up. Growing to 5-6 inches, this peaceful species thrives in 72-82°F…
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Bottom Feeders
Gold Algae Eater
Gyrinocheilus aymonieri
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Bottom Feeders
Albino Bushynose Pleco
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult