Bottom Feeders, Mbuna & Victorian Cichlids, New, Peacock & Hap Cichlids, Recommended, Tanganyikan Cichlids
Synodontis multipunctatus Cuckoo Catfish
The Cuckoo Catfish, Synodontis multipunctatus, is a fascinating species from Lake Tanganyika, celebrated for its unique brood parasitism behavior and striking appearance, with a base color of whitish-grey adorned with…
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
New, Tanganyikan Cichlids
Julidichromis Regani Kipili
The Julidochromis regani Kipili is a striking rock-dwelling cichlid from Lake Tanganyika, known for its bold horizontal striping and territorial behavior. Best kept in rock-heavy aquariums (40+ gallons) with plenty…
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
New, South American Cichlids, Special Price
Red Tiger Motaguensis Cichlid
The Red Tiger Motaguense (Parachromis motaguensis) is a striking and territorial cichlid with vivid red and black tiger-like patterns, ideal for experienced aquarists looking for a bold and impressive fish.
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
New, Recommended, Tanganyikan Cichlids
Sunflower Helianthus
The Lamprologus helianthus, commonly known as the Sunflower Cichlid, is a captivating species from Lake Tanganyika, admired for its bright yellow and gold coloration. This striking fish adds a splash…
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Bottom Feeders, New, Sm Community (Free Ship on $100+)
Emerald cory catfish
The Emerald Catfish (Corydoras splendens) is a stunning freshwater species known for its shimmering green coloration, peaceful temperament, and exceptional ability to clean aquariums. Find other bottom dwellers in our…
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Bottom Feeders, New, Sm Community (Free Ship on $100+)
Panda Cory Catfish
Panda Cory Catfish for sale: Enjoy free shipping on orders over $100 for any combination of fish from our small community category, including Panda Corys! Known for their distinctive black…
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
New, Peacock & Hap Cichlids
Tangerine Tiger Cichlid
.Protomelas taeniolatus (Likoma Is.)
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Mbuna & Victorian Cichlids, New, Recommended
Marmalade Fuelleborni Cichlid
Labeotropheus fuelleborni – OB Variant, a stunning cichlid from Lake Malawi’s rocky shores. This variant, with its vivid orange blotches against tranquil blue hues, transforms any aquarium into a vibrant…
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
New, Peacock & Hap Cichlids
Ngara Flametail Peacock
Aulonocara stuartgranti Mdoka Orange
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
New, Peacock & Hap Cichlids
Lemon Jake Peacock Cichlid
Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi (Undu Reef)
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Mbuna & Victorian Cichlids, New
Lawsi Cichlid
The Lawsi Cichlid (Chindongo lawsi) is a colorful and active Lake Malawi mbuna, known for its striking yellow and black pattern and bold personality. Perfect for rock-filled aquariums with semi-aggressive…
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult