Known as “New World Cichlids” These cichlids are becoming more and more popular in the hobbyist aquarium every year. Some of these fish can mix with African Cichlids and some can not. Some of the more popular species are the Tiger Oscar, the Green Terror, and the Jack Dempsey cichlid. Feel free to read more through my article links.
South American Cichlids, Special Price
Electric Blue Texas Cichlid
The Electric Blue Texas Cichlid (Herichthys cyanoguttatus) is a striking freshwater fish with vivid blue coloration, perfect for experienced aquarists seeking a dynamic and eye-catching addition to their tank.
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
New, South American Cichlids, Special Price
Red Tiger Motaguensis Cichlid
The Red Tiger Motaguense (Parachromis motaguensis) is a striking and territorial cichlid with vivid red and black tiger-like patterns, ideal for experienced aquarists looking for a bold and impressive fish.
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
South American Cichlids
Geo Balzanii Eartheater
The Gymnogeophagus balzanii, or Paraguay Eartheater (Geo Balzanii), is a South American cichlid from Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay. Males grow up to 8 inches, while females reach 5.5 inches….
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Recommended, South American Cichlids
Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a vibrant freshwater fish known for its electric blue color. It grows up to 8-10 inches and is less aggressive than the standard Jack…
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
New, South American Cichlids
Yellowjacket Cichlid Parachromis friedrichsthalii
Parachromis friedrichsthalii (Yellowjacket Cichlid)
Introduce the striking Parachromis friedrichsthalii, or Yellowjacket Cichlid, to your aquarium. Known for its vibrant yellow body with bold black stripes, this active and territorial fish thrives…
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Community Fish Medium+, South American Cichlids
Red Hump Geophagus
Geophagus steindachneri
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
South American Cichlids
Gold Severum
Gold Severum is a beautiful South American cichlid known for its vibrant golden coloration, peaceful demeanor, and compatibility with other semi-aggressive tank mates. Check out our other South American…
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
South American Cichlids
Firemouth Cichlid
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Community Fish Medium+, New, Recommended, South American Cichlids
Apistogramma Steel Blue Borelli
Apistogramma Borelli
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Community Fish Medium+, Recommended, South American Cichlids
Bolivian Ram Cichlid
Mikrogeophagus altispinosus
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult -
Community Fish Medium+, South American Cichlids
Blue Acara
Andinoacara pulcher
Size Male Female Unsexed Juvenile Premium Young adult Adult