Auratus Cichlid

Original price was: $7.Current price is: $5.

Melanochromis auratus

Discount When you Purchase
5% Discount Applied 3 - 5
10% Discount Applied 6 - 11
15% Discount Applied 12 +
Size Color Stock Price

( 1.25" )

Stage 3 - Color Morph

181 in stock

Original price was: $7.Current price is: $5.
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Stage 3 - Color Morph
Juvenile 1.25"
Original price was: $7.Current price is: $5.
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Auratus cichlids are highly aggressive and we recommend that they are kept only with other aggressive Mbuna.

The Melanochromis auratus or Auratus cichlid is a popular Mbuna from lake Malawi mainly due to their striking colors and lateral stripes. Females and juveniles display dark stripes on a white and yellow background. Males, on the other hand, display light stripes on a darker blue background.

When keeping Auratus cichlids in a home aquarium it is best to keep one male with several females. The tank should be decorated with rocks and caves to provide these cichlids with areas to claim for their territories.

To bring out the best colors we recommend feeding your Auratus fish our premium tropical flake mix and our spirulina flakes. Order 3 or more to get our bulk order discount.

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