Julidochromis Ornatus


The Julidochromis ornatus (Ornatus Cichlid) is a stunning and peaceful cichlid native to Lake Tanganyika. Known for its striking vertical stripes and vibrant coloration, this species is a fantastic addition to community tanks. Its small size, peaceful temperament, and unique behavior make it a perfect choice for aquarists looking to add a beautiful, non-aggressive fish to their setup.

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( 1.5" )

Premium Females
Stage 0 - No Color Yet

26 in stock

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( 1.5" )

Premium Unsexed
Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color

25 in stock

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( 1.5" )

Premium Males
Stage 0 - No Color Yet

24 in stock

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Stage 0 - No Color Yet
Premium Females 1.5"
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Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color
Premium Unsexed 1.5"
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Stage 0 - No Color Yet
Premium Males 1.5"
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The Julidochromis ornatus (commonly known as the Ornatus Cichlid) is a small but striking species native to the rocky shores of Lake Tanganyika in East Africa. Recognized for its vibrant, intricate pattern of vertical stripes, the Ornatus Cichlid is an attractive and peaceful addition to any aquarium. This species typically grows to about 4-5 inches in length, making it a great choice for smaller to medium-sized tanks (at least 30 gallons).

Julidochromis ornatus is a rock-dwelling species that thrives in aquariums with plenty of hiding spots, caves, and territories to explore. Their natural habitat is characterized by rocky crevices and open water, so replicating these conditions in the aquarium with live plants, rocks, and caves is essential for their health and well-being. They are well-suited for community tanks with other peaceful fish, as they are generally non-aggressive and enjoy forming pairs or small groups.

Their diet consists of high-quality pellets, flakes, and occasional live or frozen foods like brine shrimp. Despite their peaceful nature, they are territorial and will establish and defend small areas within the tank, particularly during breeding. When breeding, Julidochromis ornatus exhibit fascinating mouthbrooding behavior, where the female carries the fertilized eggs in her mouth until the fry are ready to be released into the world.

With their peaceful demeanor, small size, and striking appearance, Julidochromis ornatus makes an excellent choice for hobbyists seeking a unique and beautiful cichlid that can thrive in a peaceful community setup.

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