Electric Blue Jack Dempsey


The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a vibrant freshwater fish known for its electric blue color. It grows up to 8-10 inches and is less aggressive than the standard Jack Dempsey. They need a warm, well-structured aquarium with a varied diet. Suitable for community tanks with careful selection of moderately aggressive tank mates.

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( 2" )

Premium Unsexed
Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color

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Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color
Premium Unsexed 2"
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The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is a strikingly beautiful freshwater fish, known for its brilliant blue coloration. This variety of Jack Dempsey fish is smaller and less aggressive than its standard counterpart, making it a more suitable choice for a community aquarium. Adults can grow up to 8-10 inches in length, showcasing a vibrant, iridescent blue hue that covers their entire body, including fins.

The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey thrives in a tank environment that mimics their natural habitat, which includes warm, slightly acidic to neutral pH water with plenty of hiding spaces. They prefer a temperature range of 72-77°F (22-25°C). It’s essential to provide a varied diet that includes high-quality cichlid pellets, live or frozen foods like bloodworms or brine shrimp, and occasional plant-based foods for optimal health and coloration.

Despite their relative peacefulness compared to the common Jack Dempsey, they can be territorial, especially during breeding. Therefore, it’s important to choose tank mates carefully, favoring other moderately aggressive species that can hold their own but not provoke conflict.

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