Galaxy Rasbora


Celestichthys margaritatus

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( 1" )

Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color

36 in stock

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Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color
Juvenile 1"
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This unique micro-fish comes from a small area around Hopong east of lake Inle.

There is some sexual dimorphism between the male and females of this species. Males will have a bright blue background coloration, females will be a dull green blue in the females.

Celestial Rasbora are an undemanding species, as long as it’s basic requirements are met. They enjoy slightly alkaline and fairly soft water in the aquarium. Because they come from higher elevations they prefer their water on the cooler side as well. These Rasbora enjoy a well planted aquarium that is well lit.

Recommended tank mates are other fish that are not too pushy, also known as a “bully”. Here we like the keep them with other Danios and algae eaters like Otocinclus. We have kept them with freshwater shrimp as well, though they will try to eat any smaller shrimp they can find, specifica

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