Demasoni Cichlid


Pseudotropheus sp. Demasoni (Pombo Rocks)

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( 1.5" )

Premium Unsexed
Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color

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( 1.5" )

Premium Males
Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color

3 in stock

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Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color
Premium Unsexed 1.5"
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Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color
Premium Males 1.5"
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Chindongo Demasoni from Pombo Rocks, Lake Malawi

Dive deep into the sparkling waters of Lake Malawi, and among the myriad of cichlids, one particular species stands out – the Chindongo Demasoni. Ad Konings, a famed curator, introduced this gem to the world on the 13th of May, 2011. Hailing specifically from Pombo Rocks, this mbuna is truly one of the lake’s most enchanting residents.

Sporting a magnificent coloration of blue-black bars set against a light blue background, the Chindongo Demasoni is a sight to behold. Their uniqueness extends to the fact that both male and female hold the same alluring coloration, showing no sexual dichromatism. This distinct pattern and hue set them apart from other cichlids in Lake Malawi, giving them a star-like presence amongst their peers. Their resemblance with P. saulosi is notable, but keen eyes will discern key differences in their markings and number of dark bars beneath the dorsal fin.

Being a small species, males in the wild seldom grow beyond 3.15 inches in total length, while females, being slightly more petite, measure about 2.56 inches. However, under the right conditions in an aquarium, males have been known to reach a length of around 3.94 inches.

Chindongo Demasoni’s native habitats, the Pombo Rocks and nearby Ndumbi Point, are a testament to nature’s beauty. These spots in Lake Malawi’s Tanzanian coast are a haven for cichlid diversity. The Demasoni claims the upper 9.84 to 13.12 feet of the rocky habitat, often seen as solitary figures, each reigning over their own feeding domain. Contrary to what one might assume, these cichlids are rather peaceful, even with their own kind. This demeanor changes when in an aquarium, where they can exhibit heightened aggression towards their own species.

Being algae gardeners by nature, their diet mainly consists of algae strands which they nibble off from rocks. Their feeding habits in the wild might even give them a role similar to herbivorous Labidochromis at other rocky sites, focusing on pockets of algae inaccessible to larger cichlids.

Their breeding behavior is fascinating. In their natural habitat, no specific territories are carved out for mating, but instead, spontaneous mating events occur when a male courts a ripe female. The mouth-brooding females are diligent, often keeping their fry protected for nearly three weeks before releasing them.

When it comes to housing these marvelous creatures in an aquarium, certain considerations must be kept in mind due to their unique behavior. While they are among the smaller cichlids from Lake Malawi, Chindongo Demasoni require specific conditions to thrive. In captivity, the usually non-territorial fish becomes more territorial, especially the males. It’s recommended to provide them with sufficient shelter, maintain the pH between 7.0 and 8.5, and keep the temperature between 73.4 and 82.4° F.

The conservation status of Chindongo Demasoni is classified as vulnerable, mainly due to their extremely narrow distribution which makes them susceptible to overfishing. However, efforts have been made to breed them in controlled environments to avoid exploiting the natural population.

In conclusion, the Chindongo Demasoni is not just a fish; it’s a mesmerizing blend of beauty, uniqueness, and mystery. Adding them to your aquarium would not only enhance its beauty but also provide a snippet of the marvel that is Lake Malawi.

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