Gold Ring Burmese Danio


The Gold Ring Burmese Danio is a beautiful, small freshwater fish with iridescent blue-green bodies and golden ring markings. Ideal for nano and community tanks, they thrive in planted aquariums with soft water and a peaceful environment. Easy to care for and highly active, these danios add vibrant color and movement to any aquarium.

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( .75" )

Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color

25 in stock

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Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color
Juvenile .75"
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The Gold Ring Burmese Danio (Celestichthys erythromicron) is a vibrant and active freshwater fish native to the cool, clear streams of Myanmar. Renowned for its striking golden-ring markings and iridescent greenish-blue body, this species makes a stunning addition to any planted aquarium. Reaching only about 1 inch in size, the Gold Ring Burmese Danio is ideal for nano tanks or larger community aquariums where it peacefully coexists with other small, non-aggressive fish. Other compatable fish can be found in our small community fish link.

These fish thrive best in well-maintained environments with soft, slightly acidic to neutral water and plenty of vegetation to explore. Their active swimming behavior makes them a joy to observe, as they dart through plants and interact with each other. In terms of diet, they are omnivores and readily accept high-quality flake foods, micro-pellets, and live or frozen foods like brine shrimp and daphnia.

This species is highly adaptable and relatively easy to care for, making it a perfect choice for both novice and experienced aquarium enthusiasts. Given proper water conditions, the Gold Ring Burmese Danio may also display fascinating schooling behavior, often sticking together in small groups. Adding these fish to your aquarium brings a burst of color and liveliness, enhancing the overall aesthetic of your tank.

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