Lamprologus Callipterus Giant Shell Dweller


The Lamprologus callipterus, commonly known as the Giant Shell Dweller, is a fascinating and unique species of cichlid native to Lake Tanganyika in Africa. Unlike most shell-dwelling cichlids, this species is highly dimorphic, with males reaching an impressive size of up to 6 inches, while females remain much smaller at just 2 inches. This size difference leads to an unusual breeding strategy, where dominant males collect and guard snail shells to attract and house multiple females for spawning.

Lamprologus callipterus thrives in hard, alkaline water with a minimum tank size of 55 gallons for a male and several females, though larger tanks are recommended for multiple males. The aquarium should include plenty of empty snail shells, as females rely on them for breeding and protection. The substrate should be fine sand or smooth gravel, allowing the fish to dig and rearrange their environment naturally.

This species prefers water temperatures between 75-80°F, with a pH range of 7.8-9.0 and hardness levels of 10-20 dGH. Strong filtration and regular water changes are necessary to maintain excellent water quality, as Lake Tanganyika fish are highly sensitive to fluctuating conditions.

In the wild, Lamprologus callipterus feeds on small invertebrates and zooplankton. In captivity, they should be provided with a protein-rich diet that includes high-quality cichlid pellets, frozen or live brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and bloodworms. Occasional vegetable matter, such as spirulina flakes, can help balance their diet.

Despite their intriguing behaviors, this species is not well suited for community tanks. Males are highly aggressive and territorial, particularly toward other males and similarly sized fish. They are best kept in species-only tanks or with other Tanganyikan cichlids that can tolerate their dominance, such as larger rock-dwelling species. Keeping a single male with multiple females is the best setup to reduce aggression and encourage natural breeding behaviors.

Lamprologus callipterus is a maternal mouthbrooder, but unlike other mouthbrooding cichlids, females spawn inside large snail shells. The male fertilizes the eggs externally, and the female incubates them in the shell. After hatching, the fry remain inside the shell for protection until they are large enough to venture out. Providing a diet of crushed flakes and baby brine shrimp helps ensure healthy fry development.

The Giant Shell Dweller (Lamprologus callipterus) is a remarkable and aggressive cichlid with extraordinary breeding behaviors. Best suited for experienced aquarists, this species offers a unique and rewarding challenge for those looking to replicate the natural behaviors of Tanganyikan shell dwellers in an aquarium setting.

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( 1.25" )

Premium Unsexed
Stage 2 - Nice Transitional Color

99 in stock

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Stage 2 - Nice Transitional Color
Premium Unsexed 1.25"
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The Giant Shell Dweller (Lamprologus callipterus) is a highly unique Tanganyikan cichlid known for its extreme size dimorphism and fascinating breeding behaviors. Males grow up to 6 inches, while females remain just 2 inches and rely on empty snail shells for spawning. Best suited for species-only setups, this aggressive and territorial cichlid requires a 55+ gallon tank, hard alkaline water, and strong filtration.

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