Longfin Bristlenose Pleco


The Longfin Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus sp.) is a beautiful, long-finned algae eater perfect for community aquariums 30 gallons and up. Growing to 5-6 inches, this peaceful species thrives in 72-82°F water with plenty of driftwood and hiding spots. An excellent choice for keeping your tank clean while adding unique beauty!

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( 2" )

Premium Unsexed
Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color

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Stage 4 - Guaranteed Pretty Color
Premium Unsexed 2"
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The Longfin Bristlenose Pleco (Ancistrus sp.) is a beautiful and practical addition to any freshwater aquarium. Known for its elegant flowing fins and signature bristly snout, this pleco is an excellent algae eater, helping to keep tanks clean while adding unique visual appeal. Unlike larger pleco species, the Longfin Bristlenose Pleco remains small and manageable, growing to around 5-6 inches, making it suitable for a 30+ gallon tank.

Tank Setup & Care:
Longfin Bristlenose Plecos are hardy and adaptable, thriving in a wide range of water conditions. They require a tank with plenty of hiding spots, such as driftwood, caves, or rock formations. Driftwood is highly recommended, as it provides essential fiber for digestion and supports the growth of natural biofilm.

Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Temperature: 72-82°F
pH: 6.5-7.5
Hardness: Soft to moderate (2-12 dGH)
Substrate: Sand or smooth gravel
Diet & Feeding:
This species is primarily herbivorous, feeding on algae, biofilm, and plant-based foods. While they naturally graze on algae, supplemental feeding is important. Offer a balanced diet of algae wafers, blanched vegetables (zucchini, cucumber, spinach), and occasional protein sources like bloodworms or brine shrimp.

Behavior & Tankmates:
The Longfin Bristlenose Pleco is a peaceful and non-aggressive bottom-dweller, making it a great addition to community tanks. However, it can be territorial toward other plecos, so ensure ample hiding spaces if keeping more than one. Compatible tankmates include:

Tetras, Rasboras, and Danios
Corydoras Catfish
Peaceful Cichlids (e.g., German Rams, Keyhole Cichlids)
Livebearers (Guppies, Mollies, Platies)
Other non-aggressive community fish
Breeding is relatively easy in the right conditions. Males develop larger bristles on their snouts, which they use to attract females. They prefer to spawn in caves or driftwood crevices, where the male guards and fans the eggs until hatching. The fry can be fed crushed algae wafers and blanched vegetables.

The Longfin Bristlenose Pleco is a stunning, low-maintenance, and highly efficient algae eater, making it an ideal choice for freshwater aquariums. With its flowing fins, peaceful nature, and excellent tank-cleaning abilities, it’s both a practical and visually appealing fish for any aquarist.

General Information & Care

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