peacock cichlids

Blue Gold Peacock

What Should You Feed Peacock Cichlids

Peacock cichlids are some of the most beautiful-looking freshwater fish available. They are incredibly active and friendly fish that come in vivid colors, like orange, red, yellow, and purple. Like any other cichlid, peacock cichlids need a good diet.A well-balanced diet for peacock cichlids plays a vital role in maintaining...


Do African Cichlids Need a Heater

African cichlids are tropical freshwater fish. Thus, they can only survive and thrive in tropical water temperatures. As an African cichlids’ keeper, providing your cichlids with the right water temperatures should be one of your top priorities. The right temperature will ensure that your fish is healthy and happy.So, how...


Top 10 Peacock Cichlid Tank Mates

As they are native to warm African lakes, Peacock Cichlids prefer a warm tank with lots of vegetation and rocks along the bottom. When it comes to setting up a community tank, you need to be intentional about how you pair your Peacock Cichlids, to prevent aggression and territorialism among the...

OB Peacock (Red Flush)

10 Most Popular Peacock Cichlids – Number 5 Will Surprise You

Peacock Cichlids are a distinct group of 22 species of fish that belong to the Aulonocara genus. Typically, Peacock cichlids come from Lake Malawi, Africa, although there are line-bred and hybrids varieties widely found. Ideally, the habitat should mimic the warm waters of Africa with temperatures in the 70s to 80s F,...