What Should You Feed Peacock Cichlids
Peacock cichlids are some of the most beautiful-looking freshwater fish available. They are incredibly active and friendly fish that come in vivid colors, like orange, red, yellow, and purple. Like any other cichlid, peacock cichlids need a good diet.
A well-balanced diet for peacock cichlids plays a vital role in maintaining optimal health, growing big and fast, and having bright, vibrant colors. So, what should you feed peacock cichlids? Below we provide a comprehensive overview of the best peacock cichlid diet.
What do peacock cichlids eat?
Peacock cichlids are carnivores and very agile hunters. These fish are bottom-dwellers that like looking for prey in their substrate. Therefore, when providing food for your fish, focus on foods rich in high proteins. Also, ensure that the provided food will sink to the bottom of your tank.
The protein-rich foods ensure that your peacock cichlids can fight diseases incredibly well and maintain their coat’s incredible color. One thing to note is to avoid mammalian meat and tubifex worms when feeding the peacock cichlids because they cause Malawi bloat. Also, peacock cichlids do not consume human-grade food as it can cause harm to their grills.
What is a good diet for peacock cichlids?
A good peacock cichlid diet combines good quality and suitable live, fresh, dried, and frozen protein-rich foods. These suitable protein-rich foods include larvae, crustaceans, small insects, daphnia, and brine shrimp. In addition, adding a high-quality flake diet can be significantly beneficial as the flakes play a vital role in enhancing good health and behavior.
The cichlids also benefit from foods such as high-quality pellets, white worms, black worms, and blood worms. One thing to note is that a balanced diet is necessary for your fish’s health and growth. Therefore, adding vegetables, fruits, and vitamin supplements can benefit them significantly.

How often should you feed peacock cichlids?
Generally, peacock cichlids can stay for 7-10 days without consuming food. However, they will begin to show starvation signs like skin darkening, swimming sluggishness, and loss of appetite. In addition, long periods without food can cause your fish to dehydrate and die.
Thus, it would be best to feed peacock cichlids everyday at least two to three times. Also, make sure the cichlids have access to clean drinking water.
How much should you feed peacock cichlids?
You should feed your cichlid small quantities of food two to three times a day. This small quantity of feeding will prevent overfeeding. Overfeeding your peacock cichlids can cause them to lose their vivid colors or be sick. It can make your fish obese, leading to serious health issues like liver problems, heart diseases, and high cholesterol levels. Therefore, you must stick to a specific feeding regime.
Also, observe your fish’s weight to ensure you are not overfeeding them. If you see any signs of a massive weight increase, reduce the food you provide. The small quantity of food should be little enough that your fish enjoys two minutes of feeding. Be sure to remove any uneaten food in the tank to prevent negative impacts on water chemistry.
What is the best food for peacock cichlids?
As stated above, peacock cichlids survive well on a high-protein diet supplemented with vegetables, vitamins, and fruits. Below is a list of the best peacock cichlid food that is commercially available for purchase:
Plankton Gold Flake
Plankton Gold Flake Food is an incredible high-protein flake that serves as an excellent color-enhancing source. This flake will enhance the vibrant color of your fish while ensuring it remains healthy. The Plankton Gold Flake provides your fish with vitamin supplements B12, D-3, A, and Biotin.
Furthermore, all the ingredients available are natural and free from preservatives. This food is highly-digestible by your fish and promotes health and rapid growth.
Tropical Flake
Tropical Flakes comprise a perfect mixture of vegetable and protein matter. This food is incredibly rich in protein and has low fat. It has vitamin supplements like B-12, B1, D-3, and A that boost immunity, anti-inflammation properties and encourages a high absorption rate. The low fat prevents massive weight gain.
Tropical flake is incredibly nutritious and will ensure your fish maintains its vivid color while preventing health issues like cardiovascular diseases. It is also a sinking food, ideal for peacock cichlids, as they are bottom feeders.
Hikari Sinking Cichlid Gold Pellet
As the name suggests, this food is a sinking pellet. The sinking pellet is ideal for mid to bottom-feeding fish, including peacock cichlids. It is rich in vitamins, proteins, and astaxanthin that can support your fish’s healthy growth and immune system. One thing to note about this food is that it does not cause water clouding.
Tetra Blood Worms Freeze Diet Treat
Frozen Tetra blood worms are rich in protein and low in fat. This low fat ensures that your peacock cichlid can maintain a healthy weight and have enough energy to swim. In addition, the Tetra blood worms are frozen and dried. That means the freeze-drying process guarantees the elimination of bacteria and viruses that can make your fish sick.
Omega One Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp
Freeze-dried brine shrimp is one of the safest peacock cichlid food options. It is highly digestible and nutritious. Omega One Freeze Dried Brine Shrimp comprises all nutrients that you can find in a live brine shrimp
Bottom Line
Peacock Cichlids need a high protein diet and vitamin supplements to be healthy, happy, and maintain their brightly colored coat. Make sure you feed your peacock cichlids small quantities of food at least two to three times a day. Also, observe your fish for any sign of massive weight gain. Massive weight gain can be a sign that you are overfeeding your fish.